Teaching about Lyme in BC classrooms

Lauren Hudson smiles in Gary Oak meadow, bundled up in a bright blue/purple pashmina.

We’ve launched a new resource for educators that teaches kids about ticks and tick-borne illnesses.

In this podcast, Sarah interviews Lauren Hudson, an educator for Victoria, BC, who had a lead role in developing the CanLyme Educators’ Resource. In creating the resource, Lauren was tasked with aligning the resource with the provincial curriculum. 

It’s been a really empowering process to be learning so much, and to feel way better equipped to be outdoors and be safe.

Lauren Hudson

She notes that the material is presented in a way that meets the standards of school curriculum as well as less formal settings. Images and activities within the resource can be printed out for use in the outdoors, or used in a variety of ways within the classroom setting.

In light of how sick people with Lyme disease can get, Lauren emphasizes how important it is to stay safe while connecting to nature.

#notickisagoodtick #lymediseaseawareness #lymeprevention #canadianeducators

Get a tick removal kit

CanLyme’s Tick Removal Kit has everything you need to properly remove and store a tick for further identification and testing, and is easy to pack and find in your backpack, purse, glove box, first aid kit and in your home.

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